874 E Citation Ct E, Boise, ID 83716

To Follow Up or Not To Follow Up? | Infinity Signs NW

Business Branding Tip

Are you Pestering or Helping?

Product Follow up Timing

When it
comes to the sales side of a business, there is a fine balance to keep in mind
when it comes to follow-up.  We all want to close that big sale, but following up the right way is paramount maintaining the most positive relationship with prospects, clients…even employees!

When you follow up, don’t rely on just one method of communication.   I’ve worked with clients who were never at their desks, and only
responded to cell phone calls. Others only respond to email messages.  

When one method doesn’t work, try another.   Just don’t try them all at the same time.   The only thing you’d do is annoy people.

When working for and with others we don’t want to come across as a nag.  I used to have a manager who’d hover over me and ask for an update every ten minutes when a deadline was close at hand.  It was often frustrating and only made me work slower.  Nagging is counter-productive for project momentum and bad for morale.  Nagging might turn you into a pest,  not a trusted asset or resource,  and that relationship is very difficult to recover.

It is common for big jobs or projects to take  to take a few days or weeks.  
Sometimes an estimate is part of an overall larger project.  It takes time for all pieces of the puzzle to
fall into place.   

A weekly reminder to check back is usually a good balance if
you have not heard from someone about an estimate sent out.   

Many times, those you work with will thank you as it is a good reminder about something they may intend to finish, decide, or give you feedback!

We highlight another brand image from an Infinity Signs customer -Ball Ventures Ahlquist

Infinity Signs recently completed a
project that they were very excited about.  They received a request from Ball Ventures
Ahlquist, a commercial real estate mogul located in Meridian, Idaho. Tommy
Ahlquist Jr. needed something to spruce up his new sky box at Albertson’s
Stadium, right above the big blue.

Tommy needed something that would let
others know BVA’s box was set apart from the rest.  Infinity Signs came through with some flush
mounted brushed aluminum letters, and Tommy couldn’t have been more pleased
with the results!

designers incorporated BVA’s current logo for a clean and contemporary look all
while maintaining their brand image.

 Putting our training, equipment, and
support to good use, Infinity got the entire order produced and installed to
code on time!  Tommy cannot be happier
with his new signage and will be sure to use Infinity Signs again for more
signage in the future.

Andy’s Idaho

Are you in need an outdoor Idaho activity?? 

You may recall the biblical story of David and Goliath where
David hurls a stone from his sling at Goliath immobilizing him long enough for
David to take that final blow with his sword.

A sling is a projectile weapon typically used to throw a
blunt projectile hundreds of yards.  A
sling has a small pouch in the middle of two lengths of cord.  The middle finger or thumb is placed through
a loop on the end of one cord, and a knot at the end of the other cord is
placed between the thumb and forefinger. The sling is swung in an arc, and the knot released at a precise moment. This frees the projectile to fly to the
target. The sling essentially works by extending the length of a human arm,
thus allowing stones to be thrown much farther than they could be by hand.

Slings haven’t been used much in today’s society, but for a
select few, it still remains as an outdoor Idaho activity for Andy’s employee and his
family.  Richard, his son, and his father
have been slinging rocks since they were children and quite frankly, are the some
of the only people that know how to wield such a weapon.

Slings are inexpensive and can be built from any type of
material. It’s why many peoples from many different eras, from David to Apache
Indians to Neolithic peoples around the world came to choose the sling as their
primary hunting or combat weapon.

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